Before you use a copyright work, you’ll need to contact the owner and request permission, also known as ‘licence’ or ‘clearance’. If granted, the licence will usually specify the ways in which the work can be used. Usually the licence holder will have to pay the copyright owner for the use of the copyright work.

Copyright | APRA AMCOS Australia The Digital Content Guide is a new website that helps consumers find music, movies and other creative content, from licensed sources in Australia. This in turn, supports the songwriters, artists and labels that created this content. New copyright laws are not the answer to illegal downloads Aug 24, 2012 Copyright myths - Copyright Agency

Australian Copyright Council

IP Australia's corporate logo; photographs of our staff and premises and; content provided by third parties - including photographs, logos, drawings and written descriptions of patents and designs. Third party copyright . We have made all reasonable efforts to: clearly label material where the copyright is owned by a third party

Instead, fair use or the new fair dealing exception should be applied when determining whether a private use infringes copyright. These fairness exceptions are more versatile, and are not confined

Copyright myths - Copyright Agency The Education and Public Lending Rights (ELR/PLR) schemes are Australian Government cultural programs administered by the Department for Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts and Sport. The schemes are designed to compensate authors and publishers for the potential loss of sales revenue due to the borrowing of their books from educational Copyright Law In 2020 Explained In One Page Feb 29, 2020