RTNETLINK answers: Operation not permitted. というエラー?が発生します。 調べた限りでは、自分の理解できる解説が見つかりませんでした。 考えられる原因をお教えください。よろしくお願い致します。

RTNETLINK answers: File exists Failed to bring up eth2. eth2に新しく設定したipがeth0が現在持っているipなので競合でもしてるのかなーと思い、直す方法を探してみる。 Dec 20, 2007 · "Bringing up interface eth0: RTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument" My network was working fine, i made some changes in my default gateway address but then network stopped working, then i restored to previous settings, but after network restart, this message is being shown, and i could not connect to any address now. RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory comment:5 follow-up: ↓ 6 Changed 8 years ago by anonymous It seems to me that the kernel modules are missing. RTNETLINK answers: File exists が出てしまった時の対処方法 @Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS 一度 DHCP で IPアドレスを取得してしまったネットワークデバイスを静的アドレスに変更すると、以下のようなエラーが出ることがあります。

I think a solution can be found in Solving “RTNETLINK answers: File exists” when running ifup (Lennart's weblog); it certainly fixed it for me. Basically you can only have one gateway assigned in your interfaces file. Remove any duplicate lines that determine the gateway so that it only appears once.

RTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument. The same thing happens whenever I try to add a NAT entry for my box: ip route add nat via

Error: RTNETLINK answers: No such device. ip route add dev eth0:0 via src Error: RTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument. and: ip route add src Error: RTNETLINK answers: No such device. I am not sure if I am going on the right path to do this configuration. Please tell me if not. Thank

RTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument. The same thing happens whenever I try to add a NAT entry for my box: ip route add nat via It tries to overwrite the qdisc file, therefore, it errors RTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument. To set packet loss set it in mininet script itself by using loss parameter while creaqting a link. For an example see this.